Patron Testimonals

  • Very enjoyable. A great mix of funny, quirky, touching, and WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!

    Doug Powhida

  • The unique location and weirdness of the scripts (in a good way!) made me feel like I was seeing theatre in New York City. Very avant-garde!

    Jason Treadway

  • Thoroughly impressive...inspired me to write my own play!

    Eric Shook

  • A feast for the senses!

    Ohio Destination, Newsbreak

  • Better than many other short play festivals I've seen around Columbus!


  • I wasn't sure how you were going to top the first play festival, but you did!

    Denny McGarry

Playwright Testimonials

  • I'm in awe of the way you handled both festivals. It's hard to believe that these were the first two shows for TR as they were both so well done! My mind is still blown by the Mascot costume! Also, because of the amazing job you did with not only the festival itself, but with promotion of the show, another producer reached out to me yesterday and [...] asked to produce [my play, "Secondhand Soul"] in October. That's 100% because of the amazing work y'all are doing. I can't thank you enough.

    Ava Love Hanna

  • Congratulations to everyone on an awesome opening night last night! It was a really strong and enjoyable show throughout -- great job! And a special thanks to Kyle, Nicki, and Susie for doing such a wonderful job bringing '...Creature' to life. It was a real pleasure to see that one up on its feet for the first time.

    Greg A. Smith

  • It was such an honor to be part of this production! [...] The performers did a phenomenal job and I'm so thrilled to have been part of this production! [...] Congratulations on another successful festival, and I would absolutely love to work with you again!

    John Mabey

  • Thank you for all the work you do for new playwrights!

    Greg Vovos

Additional Feedback

  • I loved the energy your crew brought into the building!

    Brock Bauer, Venue Manager

  • This is fantastic! I missed being on theatre email lists! I'm so psyched to see this lil slice of honey-baked hearsay steam its way into my inbox!

    Casey May, Actor